The Myth of the Perfect Time to Hire: Why Waiting Could Hurt Your Growth
Picture of Steph George

Steph George

Are you waiting for the “perfect” moment to expand your team? If so, you might be holding your brokerage back. In an industry where timing is everything—whether it’s advising clients on interest rates or refinancing—waiting to hire until everything feels just right can stunt your growth. 

Why Waiting Can Be More Harmful Than Helpful

  1. Missing Out on Growth Opportunities

Every day you delay hiring, you risk missing new business opportunities. As your client base grows, so do your responsibilities. Without the right team in place, you may struggle to keep up, leading to declining service quality and lost clients. 

Example: Picture this: Your brokerage lands a high-profile client with a complex mortgage portfolio. Without enough staff to manage the increased workload, your team becomes overwhelmed, mistakes happen, and service quality dips. The result? Your client takes their business elsewhere, damaging both your reputation and revenue. 

  1. Overloading Your Existing Team

Delaying hiring can overburden your current team. Even the most dedicated employees have their limits, and overworking them can lead to decreased quality, errors, and disengagement. Stressed employees are less likely to maintain the high standards your clients expect. 

Example: Your top mortgage broker is excelling, but as business grows, they’re stretched too thin. The pressure leads to slower response times and minor errors. Over time, even your most loyal clients notice the decline and start looking for other options. 

Why Taking Calculated Risks Can Propel Your Business

Successful brokers understand that growth requires taking calculated risks. Hiring the right people at the right time is an investment that allows you to handle more clients, deliver exceptional service, and scale effectively. 

  1. Proactive Hiring Pays Off

Proactive hiring means anticipating your business’s needs before they arise. By building a strong team in advance, you ensure your brokerage is ready to meet increased demand without compromising quality. 

Actionable Step: Assess your current workload and pinpoint where additional support could make a significant impact. Even if things seem manageable now, consider hiring to prepare for future growth. This way, you’ll be ready when the next big opportunity arises. 

  1. Invest in Training and Development

Hiring is just the first step. Investing in comprehensive training ensures your new hires are equipped to contribute effectively and maintain the high standards your clients expect. 

Actionable Step: Develop a robust onboarding and training program that immerses new employees in your brokerage’s processes, values, and client expectations. This not only sets them up for success but also reinforces your commitment to excellence. 

  1. Embrace Flexibility

No hiring decision is without risk, but flexibility helps you manage potential challenges. By adopting a flexible approach, you can adjust your team size based on your business’s needs, whether that means hiring full-time staff, part-time workers, or freelancers for specific tasks. 

Actionable Step: Explore flexible staffing options like part-time employees or contractors who can assist during peak periods. This allows you to scale your workforce up or down as needed, providing the support your brokerage requires without long-term commitments. 

Here’s How to Get the Help You Need Without Hiring Full-Time

Balancing growth with operational efficiency can be a challenge. If you’re feeling stretched thin but aren’t ready to take on full-time staff, outsourcing could be the perfect solution. Here are three ways to leverage external support to keep your business running smoothly while staying flexible. 

  • Get Full-Time Support Without Full-Time Hiring: Sometimes, you need the expertise and dedication of a full-time resource, but without the commitment of bringing someone on board permanently. Services like Sherlok’s Managed Service offer a way to outsource key tasks like client reviews to a dedicated professional who works as an extension of your team. It’s like having a full-time resource at your disposal, without the need to hire full-time staff, giving you the flexibility to scale as needed. 
  • Lighten Your Load with Virtual Assistants: Feeling overwhelmed with admin work? A virtual assistant can take care of those routine tasks, freeing you up to focus on what really matters—growing your brokerage and keeping your clients happy. 
  • Specialized Expertise on Demand: If you need expertise in areas like marketing or IT but don’t have the budget for a full-time hire, outsourcing to specialists can be a smart move. You get the skills you need, when you need them, without the overhead. 

The Bottom Line: Progress Over Perfection

Waiting for the perfect time to hire might feel safe, but it can prevent your brokerage from reaching its full potential. By taking calculated risks and investing in the right people, you position your business for sustained growth and success. 

In the competitive mortgage industry, those who are proactive and willing to take risks are the ones who thrive. Don’t let the fear of making a mistake hold you back. The perfect time to hire may never come, but with thoughtful planning and a willingness to act, you can build the team that will drive your brokerage to new heights. 
