Credit Guide & Complaints Process

Thank you for considering doing business with Sherlok Technology Pty Ltd.

We are a Representative of a licensed provider of credit assistance under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009.  This document provides you with information about us, our Licensee with whom you are dealing and the services we provide.

Licensee’s business name


QED Credit Services Pty Ltd

ACN 147 272 295

Licensee’s address

31 Ardentallen Road

Enoggera   QLD   4051


Licensee’s phone number

1300 817 662

Licensee’s email address

Australian Credit Licence number


Our Licensee has authorised Sherlok Technology Pty Ltd and Adam Grocke as their Credit Representative:

Representative’s business name

Sherlok Technology Pty Ltd

ACN 55 622 971 402

Representative’s nameAdam
Representative’s addressUnley South Australia 5061
Representative’s phone numbers

Office: 1300 664 886

Representative’s email address

Business Credit Representative number




If you are looking for consumer credit products, our role is to help you find a product that suits you.  That process involves talking to you to understand your requirements and objectives in seeking credit, as well as understanding your financial position.

Our assistance process

We are required by law to ensure that any credit product with which we assist you can be deemed “not unsuitable” for you.  In simple terms, this means that the product fits your needs and that you can afford to meet the financial repayments.

To establish this, we need to:

·       make enquiries with you as to your needs;

·       make enquiries with you as to your financial position; and

·       collect evidence from you to verify your financial position.

Once we have done this, we will then use our broking expertise to find a product in the marketplace that you can afford and that meets your needs.

We can provide you with a report – called a Preliminary Assessment – on how we determined that any loan we assisted you with was not unsuitable for you. You may request this report up to seven years after we provided you with this assistance.

What if you are not happy with our services?

Sherlok Technology Pty Ltd is always work hard to build strong and lasting relationships with our valued customers.  By listening to your feedback, not only can we address any immediate concerns you may have, we will also continually improve our products and services.

We know there are times when you may wish to compliment us on something we have done well and other times when you may wish to tell us we have not met your expectations.

If, for any reason, you do not feel that you have received the highest standard of care from us, we encourage you to share this with us.  We have developed a process that we believe makes it easy for you to tell us of your concerns and for them to be addressed quickly and fairly.

You can contact us by whichever of the following means best suits you:

Complaints Manager


( Phone: 1300 664 886

If you choose to contact us by mail or email, please make sure you provide as much detail as possible about your complaint.

We will try to deal with your complaint on the spot.  However, if this is not possible, we will write to you to acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours of receipt.  We will ensure we treat you fairly and will work to resolve your complaint as soon as possible.  In the rare event we are still investigating your complaint after 30 days we will write to you to explain why and to let you know when we expect to have completed our investigation.

When we have completed our investigation, we will write to let you know the outcome and the reasons for our decision.

Taking it further

We hope that you will be satisfied with how we deal with your complaint.  However, if your concerns remain unresolved, or you have not heard from us within 30 days, you can have your complaint heard by our external disputes resolution scheme, AFCA, an independent party.  You can contact AFCA at:

Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited
GPO Box 3
Melbourne, VIC 3001
T: 1800 931 678
F: 03 9613 6399

If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner who can be contacted via the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner website ( or on 1300 363 992.


Last modified May 2023.



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